UTS Firefighting Training: Teaching Students Safety Skills Training on Fire Prevention and Firefighting at UTS: To help students acquire skills to protect themselves

Training on Fire Prevention and Firefighting at UTS: To help students acquire skills to protect themselves



Equipping students with skills to protect themselves and to handle emergency situation is one of the top priorities at UTS, especially fire prevention and firefighting skills.

From the school's perspective, fire prevention and firefighting activities are always carefully prepared in the school operation including to fully equip all students, teachers, and staff at UTS with necessary knowledge and competencies. This is essential for everyone to proactively and promptly respond to the unwanted events that not only might happen at UTS campus but also anywhere else.

At the beginning of each academic year, training sessions for teachers and staff are always integrated in the Professional Development Week to ensure the safest teaching and learning during the academic year. In early October, all UTS students completed the training session and gained useful knowledge in protecting themselves and their families in case there is an incident.

Học sinh UTS thảo luận PCCC

The training session was delivered following the main topics, including:

1. Identify and instruct on the use of fire safety equipment

2. Instruct on fire evacuation plans and necessary steps during emergencies

3. Important notes and fire alarm signals at UTS

To help students better visualize the possible scenarios, the instructor provided specific detailed demonstrations and practiced solving situations based on the shared principles with students. In addition to notes and guidelines to do when there is a fire, students were also informed about the causes that can lead to fires and explosions, thereby minimizing the possibility of situations and having initial preventive measures.

Học sinh UTS tập huấn PCCC

The information conveyed in the fire prevention and firefighting training session at UTS is not limited to the application within the school campus. More than that, students are expected to be well-informed and well-applied in their daily life. UTS aims to build a practical foundation so that students are always safe no matter where they are.

Hopefully, through the fire prevention and firefighting training session at UTS, students will gain necessary knowledge, know how to proactively protect themselves and people around them when an incident occurs.

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