UTS Magazine - UTS
UTS Magazine

Every day at UTS is a day to remember. UTS magazine records countless vivid moments of UTS-ers while studying and experiencing at the UTS “garden”. In addition, the magazine provides readers with information about activities taking place at UTS, interesting knowledge and unique perspectives of UTS-ers. Last but not least, we also showcase our students' creative works here. Let's check it out!

Magazines of 2024

Magazine 05/2024

We become better together. Let's recap all the beautiful moments of the academic year 2023 - 2024 through the UTS Magazine of May!

Magazine 04/2024

Coming to April - the Earth's Month, let's join UTS to learn about the "ECO NOT EGO" lifestyle and move toward a sustainable future.

Magazine 03/2024

Besides the story of “Giving Compliments Isn’t Hard”, let’s follow the “spinoff” about the “seeds” nurtured in compliments...

Magazine 01/2024

The UTS Magazine of January has preserved all of the Journey of the UTS Community in the past month.

Magazines of 2023

Magazine 12/2023

Similar to how water gives plants life, love is a plentiful supply of energy that enables each "seeds" to boldly open doors and achieve new goals. Check it out UTS Magazine December!

Magazine 11/2023

The UTS Magazine of November with our appreciation and gratitude for educators through Appreciation Week is officially released!

Magazine 10/2023

The mysterious treasure with the epic events and exciting learning experiences has officially been released!

Magazine 09/2023

The sixth chapter of UTS Community has officially begun with message "Think Bigger - Learn Happier - Grow Together"

Magazines of 2022

Magazine 05/2022

Let's take a look back on the growing journey of "unique seeds" at US Vietnam Talent International School in the Academic Year 2021- 2022.

Magazine 04/2022

This April, UTS was extremely excited about environmental activities through lessons about nature.

Magazines of 2021

Magazines of 2020