The House Kick-off Ceremony - Academic Year 2023 - 2024 UTS The House Kick-off Ceremony – Academic Year 2023 – 2024

The House Kick-off Ceremony - Academic Year 2023 - 2024



Commencing from the academic year 2022 - 2023, the UTS House System has seamlessly integrated itself as an indispensable component of the school's commitment to delivering holistic education for the UTS Community. Academic competitions and events were organized throughout the academic year to spread the international spirit, promoting teamwork, responsibility, individual talent, and most importantly, strengthening friendships and relationships among the UTS Community.

Every member is a gem

Nhà Emerald giơ cao ngọn cờ


The UTS House System operates for students from Grade 3 to Grade 12 at both campuses – Van Lang Complex and Botanique. Each house is a unique color and has its own personality, representing six core values that we always uphold in all activities:

House Color Core value
Aquamarine Light Blue Courage
Citrine Gold Creativity
Emerald Green Lifelong Learning
Ruby Red Respect
Sapphire Dark Blue Integrity
Topaz Silver Contribution

The names were chosen with the strong belief that each of our students is a gem, with unique colors, characteristics, and potential. The role of Educators at UTS is to hone, nurture, and unleash their talents so that they can thrive.

The holistic education for students

Những lá cờ Nhà được giơ cao trong buổi lễ

The House Activity Program encompasses two distinct categories in which students will compete: House Academics and House Events.

In the House Academics category, students will compete individually as representatives of their own House. They will actively accumulate House points by demonstrating excellent work or displaying a positive attitude in various classroom situations, representing the school's six core values.

Regarding the House Events category, students will participate in inter-House events and competitions throughout the academic year 2023 - 2024. It provides a holistic education for students in terms of academics, skills, physics, and mentality through classroom learning and experiential learning at school.

The House Kick-off Ceremony

The House Kick-off Ceremony on September 15th is the beginning of upcoming exciting activities awaiting UTS-ers in the academic year 2023 - 2024. “Exciting, vibrant, and colorful” are terms that can describe the ceremony’s atmosphere.


Các Nhà UTS khởi động trước buổi lễ

Học sinh UTS tích cực tham gia trò chơi


Students and teachers have a chance to meet and get to know "housemates". They chanted slogans of determination and demonstrated their solidarity.

Now, each student will represent their House to unanimously strive, compete and finally achieve the prestigious House Trophy and Shield.

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