Bravery and excellence of UTS’ little actors on the professional drama stage UTS Bravery and excellence of UTS’ little actors on the professional drama stage

Bravery and excellence of UTS’ little actors on the professional drama stage




“Working with little actors of UTS has brought me lots of emotions: palpitation, happiness, worry and sometimes… frightened. But now, I am really touched and proud of them!” – this was the sharing of Ms. Vo Cam Tien when the drama “Make friends with the sky” ended successfully at Ho Chi Minh City Opera House on 7th of January night. After months of practicing with ekip, our students had created an emotional performance with several thoughts which stayed in the audiences’ memories, especially the value of family, friendship and empathy in our lives.

Throughout the performance at Ho Chi Minh City Opera House, the audiences seemed to put themselves in each character’s emotion: sometimes they laughed at the grace of actors, sometimes they were just be quiet in the emotional scenes. Although our little actors were amateur, they all proved their profession on the stage. Any small problems could not prevent them from focusing on the performance. Conversely, they expressed their seriousness for the roles and dealt with the situations subtly to complete a perfect performance.

Director Viet Linh – Member of Academic Board, Art Program Advisor at UTS shared after the performance: “There are some UTS’ students who were really shy but when they were chosen to perform this drama, they turned to another version of themselves and be braver as well as more confident. Our UTS-ers perform with their whole heart but then just frolic like other kids behind the scenes!”

The performance at Ho Chi Minh City Opera House is a big chance for UTS’ students to challenge themselves with such a professional stage as well as a huge amount of audiences and enrich their acting skills. Beginning from the experimental teaching program at UTS to a true big stage, “Make friends with the sky” is a clear evidence that every child has his own talent which should be exploited and nurtured with care every day.

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