Which color in the UTS-ers’ world? UTS Which color in the UTS-ers’ world?

Which color in the UTS-ers’ world?



  Visual intelligence is one of the eight types of human intelligence, helping us imagine numerous objects, develop strong visual memory and artistic tendency. At UTS, the students in grade 8.2 can grow this special type of intelligence through the lesson “The World in our Eyes”. The special thing in this lesson is the combination of English and painting. Students will draw their world through their point of view, then present it in English so that everyone can better understand that picture. Each painting shows their unique thought as well as an opportunity to practice their English-speaking skills in front of many people. This exciting class requires UTS-ers a source of vocabulary to be able to explain their world. UTS-ers can also maximize the observation ability which will create plentiful visions about issues of life.

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