Cultural exchange with international friends, UTS-ers confidently promoting the Vietnamese identity! UTS Cultural exchange with international friends, UTS-ers confidently promoting the Vietnamese identity!

Cultural exchange with international friends, UTS-ers confidently promoting the Vietnamese identity!



Recently, the Korean Language Club at US Vietnam Talent International School has collaborated with Gimje Geomsan Primary School (South Korea) to organize a series of exchange activities for primary students from both schools. This program lasted from May to June 2024. With the theme "Learning about Vietnamese and Korean History and Culture," the activities provided students with the opportunity to build cross-border friendships and promote the beautiful cultural values of Vietnam and Korea.     Everything begins with letters   Beginning in May, students from both countries had the chance to get to know each other and interacted online through an "email pen-pal" activity. They openly exchanged pictures, interests, and conversations via mails. These letters helped bridge the distance between the friends, setting the stage for the visit to UTS.   Những lá thư điện tử học sinh UTS và trường Gimje trao nhau To the bonding through small screens   Following the email exchanges, UTS and Gimje Geomsan students became more and more close-knit after having the two online meetings held in May. During these sessions, students introduced the unique aspects of Vietnamese and Korean cultures, including the cuisine, people, and historical landmarks. Additionally, they shared about their schools and what a day in the life of a primary student in Vietnam or Korea looks like.   Học sinh UTS họp mặt trực tuyến với học sinh Gimje Hàn Quốc   Despite being separated by a screen, every interaction between UTS students and Gimje Geomsan Primary students reflected confidence and bravery. This demonstrated their pride in their national identities: culture, people, and historical values. These activities helped students from both sides gain valuable knowledge from their international peers and set the stage for their upcoming in-person meeting in June. And leads to the joyful reunion   The recent visit of students from Gimje Geomsan Elementary School to the Van Lang Campus has infused UTS with vibrant excitement.   Học sinh UTS và học sinh Gimje Hàn Quốc hào hứng khi gặp nhau   During the two-day direct meeting, UTS students introduced Gimje students to various practical projects they had completed and allowed them to experience classes at the school. Notably, the students learned about each other's cultures through traditional games such as Yutnori (Korean board game) and bamboo dancing... The activities concluded with a meaningful cultural exchange event. Students from Gimje and UTS showcased their talents through musical performances and impressive showcases of traditional Vietnamese and Korean costumes. A special highlight was when Gimje students surprised UTS students with a charming rendition of the Vietnamese song “Bài ca tôm cá.”     Every journey has its end   Học sinh Gimje Hàn Quốc trình diễn tại sân khấu UTS   Through this activity, UTS students demonstrated respect for and pride in their unique identities while participating in an international exchange, creating beautiful memories before the new school year. Global citizens are not far away! Every day at UTS is an opportunity for students to apply their learned knowledge to real-life situations.

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