Do Parents Know? Don’t Turn Disagreements Into The “Invisible” Distance With Children

Do Parents Know? Don't Turn Disagreements Into The "Invisible" Distance With Children



Any close relationship may face difficulties from time to time. Especially between parents and children, with age differences and a variety of other objective and subjective factors, unpleasant conflicts or disagreements might arise accidentally.

In the position of parents, parents have a significant obligation to educate your children grasp the difference between good and bad, right and wrong, and other key ethical principles to prepare for life. However, among youngsters, particularly in adolescence, the desire to be acknowledged as self-sufficient and mature, as well as the urge to prove themselves, becomes incredibly great. Parents, on the other hand, may have your own set of rules and expectations for your children. As a result, many families must have experienced many unhappy times between parents and children when educating and directing your children.

Here are some suggestions to assist parents in reducing and improving this issue:

1. Neither the parent nor the child must be the “winner” of an arguments

First, parents must equip yourselves with a more relaxed temperament and perspective, understanding that family conflict is unavoidable. Because life may be so hectic at times, parents may not always be able to pay attention, care for, and understand your children’s signs. Alternatively, there may be occasions when parents struggle to control your negative emotions to your child’s misbehaving.

Instead of worrying excessively or attempting to be severe, parents might opt to respond in a more positive manner. In truth, the most important thing in a debate is to be heard and understood, not to be the “winner”. When conflicts arise, parents can practice restraining your anger and saving your arguments as well as things to say until a more opportune moment. Our ultimate objective is for our children to have a better understanding of the situation, so pick a moment and a reaction that is least upsetting to all sides.

2. No one is to blame for disagreement

Relationships between parents and children can last anywhere from two to four decades. As a result, it’s quite natural to disagree. Some parents, on the other hand, have a tendency to be harsh when your child’s view on life is contradictory. To preserve their ego, youngsters develop furious and protective feelings, which can occasionally lead to a “cold war”.

When it’s important to establish limits for kids, the key to staying connected is for parents to understand how your children are experiencing at that time. Parents can take classes to learn about your children’s psychology or listen to specialists share their knowledge. Parents can gradually learn to sympathize with your children’s aspirations and use gentler language to assist them grasp the positive goals we want them to achieve before they satisfy their own demands. For example, “I know you want to go out and play, but you need to do your homework first. After that, you’re free to relax for a while”. This is preferable to just saying, “No, you can’t go out. You must stay at home and finish your homework”.

3. Choose topics to discuss

A Sociology professor said: “Tolerance is easier to maintain when we keep a healthy distance from people who are so different from us”. We should divide conflicts into two categories:

“Debatable” includes topics that have a direct, immediate, or serious impact on your children’s life. It may be when your children is riding too fast, but when they are cautioned, they insist that they are still safe. This is undoubtedly a matter that will need to be discussed, since the cost of not doing so would be quite significant.

“Undebatable” refers to issues that do not have a significant impact or take a long time to alter. For example, when children want to take a break from an extracurricular activity, parents should show concern and communicate with them to encourage or better understand them, rather than forcing them to participate in accordance with their parents’ views.

The classification will assist parents in determining the next course of action in a conflict scenario, eliminating unneeded negatives and unseen distances that may cause harm or pain to both children and parents.

In conclusion

Sharing and understanding the emotional lives and urgent needs of children is the quickest approach to settle any disagreements and psychological problems between parents and children. Caring for children’s pleasures, sufferings, wants, and dreams is extremely important to the parent-child connection, since it ensures that children are always treated with respect and care. Parents should be proud of your children’s desire to be independent and self-reliant, and offer the ideal conditions for children to assert themselves in the parental control threshold.

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