The 2024 PD Week of UTS The lifelong learning journey of UTS educators during the 2024 PD Week

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    Message for UTS

    “Lifelong Learning” is one of the 6 core values at UTS. The annual PD Weeks at UTS provide an opportunity for our “nurturers” to reflect on their personal and collective journeys after a academic year, share valuable insights and set the direction for the upcoming academic year. During this time, they also work to enhance professional knowledge and improve operational processes, all with the goal of delivering the highest quality education for students.


    PD Week 2024 UTS Growing talent with care - Tận tâm ươm dưỡng nhân tài


    The “nurturers” shared UTS’s educational philosophy: “Growing Talent with Care”


    PD Week 2024 UTS - Những người ươm mầm cùng chia sẻ quan điểm giáo dục của UTS


    The 2024 PD Week began with a whole-school meeting, where dedicated nurturers from the 2023 – 2024 academic year were honored for their continuous efforts and significant impact in nurturing “talented seeds”. 

    In front of all the teachers and staff, Ms. Nguyễn Thị Ngọc Lan, Principal of UTS, reaffirmed the school’s educational philosophy, vision, mission, and the theme for the 2024-2025 academic year. This ensured that all educators at UTS are aligned and committed to striving toward the common goal.



    Enhancing Professional and Teaching Skills


    PD Week 2024 UTS - Nâng cao kỹ năng chuyên môn và giảng dạy


    High quality teaching and learning are top priorities at UTS. Throughout the 2024 PD Week, various workshops aimed at enhancing educators’ professional and teaching skills were organized, receiving enthusiastic participation from teachers.

    The content of these workshops covered a wide range of topics relevant to both national and international programs, across all grade levels. Notable activities included sessions on exam design, teaching methods, and assessment techniques for various subjects.


    OUP - OIC Symposium - PD Week 2024 UTS


    Additionally, UTS co-hosted the “OIC Symposium – Oxford International Curriculum” workshop in collaboration with Oxford University Press. Direct insights from leading education experts at Oxford University, along with the teaching experiences of over 80 international schools nationwide, provided UTS with diverse perspectives. These insights will assist the school in enhancing and further developing the Oxford International Curriculum (OIC) for the 2024-2025 academic year.


    Updates on Significant Facilities Improvements


    UTS Nam Sài Gòn - UTS Saigon South Campus


    The 2024 – 2025 academic year marks a milestone as the UTS South Saigon Campus (Binh Chanh) officially opens for Primary and Kindergarten levels. After a thorough construction and preparation process, the effort of UTS has been recognized with this third campus fully meeting the standards of an international bilingual school in the Southern part of the city.


    CSVC Mới UTS Văn Lang - New facility


    Alongside the South Saigon Campus, in the 2024-2025 academic year, students at UTS Van Lang Complex will have the opportunity to learn in a newly constructed multi-purpose sports complex. Located within the Van Lang Education Complex, UTS benefits from state-of-the-art infrastructure. Equipped with modern facilities, tools, and specialized rooms for various sports, this new sports complex will play a significant role in the holistic development of students, especially in terms of physical education and fitness.

    Student Awareness and Behavior Education Program


    PD Week 2024 UTS - Chương trình giáo dục ý thức - hành vi học sinh


    With the mission to create a safe, dedicated, and inspiring learning environment that encourages all students to develop their talents and character, UTS aims to cultivate lifelong learners and compassionate leaders who contribute to a better world. The Student Awareness and Behavior Education Program was introduced to all teachers during the 2024 PD Week. This initiative has received recognition from the BPIS 2024 – Best Practice and Idea Showcase and was developed entirely by dedicated educators at UTS, “from concept to implementation”.

    The program focuses on promoting appropriate behaviors among students to foster a positive and safe educational environment. It includes rewarding students for good behavior and proposing corrective actions for behaviors that need improvement. Having a clear, positive, and suitable code of conduct will play a crucial role in the success of effective teaching and learning.



    The 2024 PD Week took place over two weeks leading up to the new academic year 2024 – 2025. With a complete focus on enhancing the core competencies of each “nurturer”, UTS believes that the mission of “Growing talent with care” will continue to thrive. By placing students at the center of all activities, the spirit of lifelong learning will be passed down to the next generations of talented students. 

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      Message for UTS

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