Parenting Workshop: The bittersweet on Kindergarten’s first day Parenting Workshop: The Bittersweet Struggles On The First Day Of Kindergarten

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    Kindergarten marks the first milestone when children officially step out of their comfort zone and enter a new world. Every beginning is difficult. The most stressful part must be trying to find a way to overcome the children’s habit of crying simply because they refuse to go to school. This “chaotic” scene may appear very clear to families who have children at the age of first-time becoming Kindergarteners.

    Always accompanying parents on the journey of nurturing their children, UTS understands the difficulties of parents before this turning point and wishes to help “first time Kindergarten” is no longer an “obsession” of the whole family. UTS cordially invites parents to participate in Parenting Workshop: THE BITTERSWEET STRUGGLES ON THE FIRST DAY OF KINDERGARTEN


    1. Sharing topic: Explaining children’s expressions & psychology when they first go to Kindergarten
    2. Facilitator: Ms. Le Tran Phuong Vi – UTS School Health and Psychology Counsellor
    3. Time: 8:00 – 12:00, Saturday morning, August 5, 2023
    4. Location: US Vietnam Talent International School – Botanique Campus

    UTS hopes that through this exchange, parents will gain many new perspectives and useful information for their children’s development journey.

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