Parent Student Guidebook - Page 2 of 2 - UTS
Parent Student Guidebook

The Parent Guidebook acts as a guide to provide Parents with information regarding academic programs, educational direction, school procedures & policies, and expectations of the school about the behavior of UTS community. This Parent Guidebook is also published with the purpose of introducing to Parents the official communication channels between School and Parents.

The Guidebook is a living document that will be constantly updated along the School’s journey in response to new challenges it faces as an academic community. The School reserves the right to amend, suspend, or add new rules or guidelines to the aforementioned disciplinary policies (after consulting with the School Board). In case of questions, kindly contact us via our official email or hotline.

Thank you for your contribution to the school’s continuous development.


“Parent(s)” means any person who has signed the acceptance statement on the Application for Admission Form and/or the Confirmation of Acceptance Form and/or who has accepted responsibility for a child’s attendance at this School. Parents are entitled to receive relevant information concerning the child’s progress at school. In this Parent Guidebook, we include legal guardians in the definition of “Parents”.

“Student” is the child named on the Application for Admission Form and is studying at UTS.

“School”/”We”/”Us”/”UTS” means US Vietnam Talent International School.

“School Year”/ “Academic Year” means the consecutive weeks of time when the student is in class receiving classroom instruction from teachers and attending educational activities within and outside the School, including camps, field trips, excursions, and off-site activities. The School Year commences in August and ends in May each year. Holiday breaks are defined in the School Year calendar. The School reserves the right to vary its academic year from time to time to suit the best interests of the school community.



US Vietnam Talent International School’s educational philosophy is based on the “3C Talent Formula” of Dave Ulrich – University of Michigan Professor, USA – one of the world’s leading experts on human resources. According to Professor Dave Ulrich, “Talent” is a result of three elements: Competence, Commitment, Contribution.

Competence: students are knowledgeable and skillful with relevant information and values.

Commitment: students are present and dedicated to the pursuit of knowledge or a cause.

Contribution: students feel their personal needs are met through active participation in their school, family, and community.

At UTS we believe that this is the portrait of talented people in the new generation. With this educational philosophy, US Vietnam Talent International School endeavors to train its students to become global citizens, who are always ready to seize opportunities and confident to tackle challenges, and take the initiative to choose their own path to be successful in life.


US Vietnam Talent International School strives to become an advanced and prestigious inter-level educational system in Vietnam and the region.


At UTS, we strive to develop and inspire students to be lifelong learners. We strive for our students’ holistic development in a safe, caring, and personalized educational environment.

We help students become inquisitive, intuitive, and deep thinkers through our highly researched and groundbreaking curriculum, pedagogy, and learning ecosystem. As a result, students can develop original ideas and products, empathize with the diversity of people and communities, and make a positive, lasting, and inspirational impact on themselves as well as the communities around them.

Every teacher and staff member at UTS is an educator. Our lifelong mission is to nurture each student’s talents and personalities, assisting them in maturing and maximizing their potential for personal success and happiness. We mold students into good citizens who contribute to making the world a better place.


Integrity: UTS students keep their promises, always respect the truth, and say no to wrongdoings in society.

Respect: UTS students respect themselves as well as other individuals. The present world is global, and cultures are interconnected and intertwined. Therefore, students need to understand and respect other cultures while retaining national and individual identities.

Courage: UTS students are patient, persistent, ready to conquer personal goals and face challenges, confident to express personal views, and competent in a foreign language.

Contribution: UTS students apply the knowledge and skills they have learned to benefit themselves, their families, and society.

Lifelong learning: UTS students constantly explore and learn from their surroundings and apply their knowledge and experiences in real life.

Creativity: UTS students develop the spirit of innovation and creativity, and know-how to develop and apply new ideas.


UTS aspires to help global citizens with the following competencies and characteristics:

Self Learners: Students cultivate curiosity and practice lifelong learning skills for self-directed inquiry and research. Students are enthusiastic about learning and maintain their love of learning in a community that values a growth mindset and self-efficacy.

Thinkers: Students investigate, absorb, analyze, and apply knowledge from multiple disciplines. Students employ critical thinking skills to seek and evaluate perspectives, as well as to control and balance aspects of their lives that are physically, intellectually, and emotionally.

Creators: Students actively generate information and knowledge, employing creative thinking to address and respond to an uncertain world with sound reasoning and judgment. Students develop one-of-a-kind and ground-breaking products, solutions, and ideas. Students are resilient in the face of adversity and change.

Understanding People: Students recognize, strive to understand, and appreciate differences and interdependence with others and the world around them. Students work together to grow as a group and to achieve a common goal. Students demonstrate empathy, compassion, respect, and gratitude.

Generator Of Meaning: Students discover the true meaning and long-term purpose of learning for themselves and others. Students act with integrity, optimism, and a sense of others’ dignity.



• Monday through Friday: 7:30 a.m. – 5:00p.m.

• Saturday: 8:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.

• The School closed on Sunday, public and school holidays.



A day of an Primary student consists of 9 periods, the first period begins at 7:55 a.m., last period ends at 3:40 p.m. Students need to present at School from 7:40 a.m. to attend the pre-class session.


A day of a Secondary student consists of 9 periods, the first period begins at 7:45 a.m., last period ends at 4:20 p.m. Students need to present at School from 7:30 a.m. to attend the pre-class session.


A few days during the school year are announced ahead of time; students will leave immediately after 5th period for Primary and Secondary students, and the school does not serve lunch.




At UTS, our aim is to prepare students for life in the 21st century by helping them develop the instincts of inquiry and discovery to become well-rounded people and lifelong learners. We believe that every child can and should be considered talented. And our job is to help children discover and develop their talents. UTS teachers play an important role in modeling and living up to core values.

We build and maintain close relationships with students and Parents to gain a holistic view of each student’s unique skills, mindsets, characteristics and personalities. From there, we can personalize care and education to each individual to unlock, nurture and develop each student’s potential.

Our curriculum incorporates Vietnamese values and traditions while also encouraging students to become global citizens prepared for an uncertain future. To accomplish this, we teach both the MOET optimized program and the international program. The intensive program focuses on STEM, humanities, visual and performing arts, physical education, social-emotional management, and lifelong learning competencies.



The educational program at the school is structured in the direction of selective integration, improving academic knowledge (as optimized by the Ministry of Education and Training program), enhancing language, math, and wellbeing skills, as well as global project skills (Oxford International Curriculum), and promoting skill development and quality development for students (Talent Development Program).


At UTS we promote character and high ethical standards. We expect all students to fully embrace this spirit. While we trust that all students enrolled in the school will submit work of their own that is appropriately referenced, we feel that it is necessary to give guidelines as to what this means and what the consequences will be if any work does not meet this standard.

Academic dishonesty can, in general, take several forms:

Plagiarism: taking work, words, ideas, pictures, information, or anything that has been produced by someone else (either via books, internet, or reference materials) and submitting it for assessment as one’s own. Students must use another writer’s words with proper citation.

Exam cheating: communicating with other student(s) in an exam, bringing unauthorized material into an exam room, or consulting such material online or offline during an exam in order to gain an unfair advantage.

Collusion: helping another student to be academically dishonest.
In all cases of Academic honesty violations, investigations will be conducted by the Academic Honesty Committee. Any student who has been found to be academically dishonest in any of the above ways, or otherwise, will have a record of this put into his or her student file, and this will be communicated to the student’s Parents. Repeated breaches may result in removal from classes and/or exams, dismissal from all honor awards, permanent termination from school according to Discipline Policy.


In order to further support our students reach the desired levels of achievement, UTS has started the academic support program. We understand that some students may have trouble adapting to the rigors of our program. We also understand that many of our students come from different backgrounds and have different skillsets, which is to be expected in all learning environments. However, we still want our programs to be accessible to all of our students, regardless of their final outcomes or skill levels.

Thus, the academic support program has been designed to make the curriculum more accessible to the students who are behind the achievement outcome of their respective year level in English Language acquisition. These students will be placed into small groups of 4-5 students to support the students with more foundational English knowledge, allowing for more personalized instructions to help the students achieve their goals.

We know that all students are more than capable of growing, and we want to focus on both the growth of the students as well as the outcome. The growth process gives the students the confidence and courage to participate and take part in classes, helps their achievement and overall learning processes. This program will provide students who have struggled in classes the opportunity to catch up to their other peers in a safe, judgment free zone where the teachers are specially trained to deal with struggling students. In the end, our hope is that this program will help bring your student in line with where we all want and expect them to be!



At UTS we encourage and help students with learning and comprehensive development. The school does not allow tutoring. Therefore no UTS teacher may tutor his/her own students for remuneration. If Parents have made arrangements for outside tutors, it is recommended that the tutor is in communication with the classroom teacher to ensure that the assistance is relevant and helpful. The classroom teacher can provide direction and guidance for the tutor.


While there is nothing wrong with students receiving help so that they understand content and concepts more clearly, sometimes tutors give students too much help. In order to avoid committing an act of academic dishonesty, students and their Parents need to communicate the following to tutors:

• Tutors may help their students to understand terms, content, and concepts

• Tutors may not write part or all of a student’s essay, report, commentary, etc.

• Tutors may not provide interpretations that a student then incorporates into an essay, report, commentary, etc.

• Tutors may not write or dictate complete sentences to a student

• Tutors may not do any calculations for a student

If student (or Parent) is unclear about appropriate behavior for tutors, it is essential that he/she speaks with their teacher before submitting the work/assessment.

All of the points mentioned above also apply to Parents, siblings, friends, and anyone else who may be in the position to assist a student.



For Primary school, attendance is recorded at the beginning of the first period at 7:55 a.m. daily. Teachers are responsible for ensuring that attendance is recorded using UTS attendance record system. Students are marked as either “Present”, “pre-arranged absent” or “Absent” at that time.

For Secondary school, attendance is recorded at the beginning of the first period at 7:45 a.m. daily. Teachers are responsible for ensuring that attendance is recorded using UTS attendance record system. Students are marked as either “Present”, “pre-arranged absent” or “Absent” at that time.

After 9:00 a.m., the Central Care Office will contact the parents of the absent/late students.



A student not present in school in the day is deemed as “absent”.

Excused Absences: In order for an absence to be recorded as excused, his/her Parents have to inform the homeroom teacher before 7:55 a.m. (for Primary students) or 7:45 a.m. (for Secondary students) of the day the student is absent. As for students who go to school by school bus, their Parents need to inform the school bus operator before 5:30 p.m. of the day the students are absent.

Unexcused Absences: Cases of absence in which the school is not informed in advance will be recorded as unexcused absences.


Students who are not present when the first period starts will be recorded as “late”, namely 7:55 a.m. for Primary students and 7:40 a.m. for Secondary students. Excessive tardies cause disruption to classroom learning. Parents are requested to ensure on-time arrival of their children.

When a student is tardy, a Classroom Entrance Permit form is required. This form can be offered at the Front Office. Students who consistently repeat tardiness may face disciplinary actions.

In case of continuous tardiness, the school will organize private meetings with Parents for solutions.


If it is necessary for a student to leave school before the end of the school day, Parents must inform the school and state the reason for early dismissal and identify the individual who will pick up the student. The student should be met at the Front Office and Parents/guardians need to show school-issued pick-up & drop-off card for picking up students.


The school gate will open for Parents to pick up students from 4:00 p.m. Before this time, except for other administrative contact cases, Parents need to wait outside.

All Primary classes end at 3:40 p.m. every day. If participating in tutoring classes or club activities, students will finish school at 4:30 p.m.

School bus starts at 4:45 p.m.


At the beginning of the school year, Parents need to register traveling options for students. Dismissal procedures vary depending on whether a student is riding the bus, being picked up by Parents, walking home.


Middle and High School students are not under the School’s supervision after school.

The school encourages students to use eco-friendly means of transportation or public transportation.


Primary School students need to be picked up by the Parents directly or take school bus service to ensure their safety.

When picking up their children, Parents must show their Parent ID card. The child can only be picked up by the Parent who presents the Parent ID card at the designated area.

The school is allowed to check the information if the Parent does not present Parent ID card.


Refer to School Bus Services.


For Primary school:

Monday – Thursday 4:30 p.m. Before 5:15 p.m.
Friday 3:05 p.m. Before 4:15 p.m.

For Secondary school:

Monday – Thursday 4:20 p.m. Before 5:15 p.m.
Friday 3:35 p.m. Before 4:15 p.m.

From 4:00 p.m. to 5:15 p.m., the School can keep and look after students. However, for safety reasons, the School encourages Parents to pick up students on time.

Students must leave by 5:15 p.m. If the Parent has not picked up the student by this time, the School will charge a late pick-up fee of 100,000 VND per hour or 2,500,000 VND/month.

If Parents are unable to pick up their students on time (after 5:15 p.m.), they must notify Homeroom Teacher. Until Parents arrive, the School will provide supervision and organize self-study/reading activities for students. However, the School does not accept the fact that Parents frequently arrive late to pick up students in violation of the regulations. If Parents frequently arrive to pick up students after the designated time, the school will convene a meeting with Parents to find a suitable solution.


US Vietnam Talent International School is located in the Van Lang Education City, one of the biggest education cities in Vietnam. This is clearly an advantage of the school because UTS students have opportunities to interact with diverse-culture and fast-paced environment of higher education at the very early stage, to experience most of the resources, state-of-the-art facilities, hi-tech learning equipment, and utilities of the whole education city. However, being in a big community, the school foresees critical points that need to be well managed to avoid unexpected problems in the future.

One of the priorities of the School Board is to build and maintain a safe and friendly learning environment for all students. Therefore, UTS adopts a strict campus policy.


Students are required to wear the UTS uniform to school. UTS Security reserves the right to refuse students entry into the classroom if they are not dressed appropriately (except on days when students are required to wear special clothing, with prior notice from the Administrator or the School Office).


The school welcomes Parents and visitors, but the most important priority of UTS is that students’ studies and activities are not disrupted. All Parents and visitors must register at the School Office. Parents enter the school with their Parent card, and visitors present their ID card to receive a security card at the control gate. This badge must be worn for the duration of your stay on campus. When entering the school grounds, all Parents and visitors must follow the UTS dress code, which states that no shorts, tank tops, or revealing clothing are permitted.

At all times, Parents/Visitors must follow the school’s rules and regulations. In the event that Parents/Visitors do not comply with school rules or are confirmed to be potentially affected by the use of prohibited substances, they will be asked to leave the school premises immediately.

Arrival at school should take place only during the School Office’s operating hours unless there is an appointment in advance or Parents/Visitors are invited to join or pick up students from the School’s extracurricular activities and events.

Note: Parents/Visitors are not allowed to enter the Canteen Area during the serving hours for students:

  • Breakfast: 07:00 – 08:00
  • Lunch: 10:30 – 13:00
  • Snack: 14:00 – 15:00


School property is provided to serve teaching and learning purposes. Appropriate usage with care will ensure that every school member has adequate access to such assets. As a result, all students must be mindful of preserving the school property. Students who damage school property will be fined an amount sufficient to restore the damaged item to its original condition or replace it.

The applicable policy will be notified in writing on a case-by-case basis.


Students are responsible for taking care of their own personal property. To ensure a safe school environment, students are reminded that expensive or sentimental items, money, toys, and/or dangerous items should not be brought to school. The school will investigate but is not responsible for, lost property. Students need to take responsibility for all personal property brought to school. A role-model UTS citizen will represent honesty and respect to others at school and in daily life. Any found items on the school campus should be returned to the owner or the Front Office. Students found dishonest by taking property belonging to another person may face the highest level of disciplinary action, even may be suspended from school.

A personal locker is issued to each student at the beginning of the school year. The locker is for storing books and other school-related items. Lockers need to be kept clean, neat and always locked (lockers need to be equipped by students). Students are not allowed to write, draw on lockers. Drinks, food, pets, and hazardous items should not be kept in the locker.

Students need to clear personal items, clean, and hand overlockers to the school before Tet holiday and the end of the school year.

All personal items brought to school, for example, lunch boxes, book bags, sweaters, uniforms, hats, etc. should be labeled with the owner’s name. Textbooks, notebooks, and studying materials should be kept carefully.

Valuables or large amounts of cash should be left at home. If it is for special purposes that students have to bring large amounts of cash or valuables to school, they should ask the homeroom teacher or proctor to keep it and sign in “Asset deposit logbook”.

In case of loss, students need to inform the proctor or homeroom teacher immediately.

For lost property found in the public area, students/staff need to bring it to the school office. Students who consistently require assistance to locate their items may face disciplinary actions.

After 30 days, all unclaimed property – non-reusable items will be disposed; all reusable will be appropriately donated for Charity. UTS is not responsible for lost property that is not taken back by the owner.

Remark: The school will investigate, but is not responsible for lost property. For special cases, the school can conduct inspections of student’s lockers and belongings (with the supervision of homeroom teachers, Proctor, and student representatives).


No food or drink, except for water, would be allowed in the classroom, library, and other functional areas of the school. Chewing gum is prohibited on campus and school buses.


  • Birthday parties or events that contain food and beverages organized by students are only permitted to do in the Canteen Area during break times or after school hours.
  • If the student’s birthday party/event coincides with a planned official school event/activity, the school will prioritize the scheduled school event/activity.
  • Food and beverages that allowed to be brought into the UTS campus for birthday parties and student-organized events must be communicated in detail to the School Service Office. The acceptable food and drinks are listed in the table below.
Food Category Description
Types of pastry and cakes
  • Cakes/pastries brought to school by parents must have clear origin and comply with the rules of food safety.
  • The Cakes/Pastries must be a certified brand with trusted reputation.
  • Except for cakes, other pastries are not allowed to consume within the school premises.
  • Teachers/parents support students to package/divide into portions to take home.
Fresh Fruits
  • Fruits must have a clear origin from certified suppliers. The school may request purchase invoices or documentation if necessary.
  • Fruits must be thoroughly washed and show no signs of being rotten.
  • Teachers/parents support students to package/divide into portions to take home.
Packaged Milk, Fruit Flavoured Milk, and Canned Fruit Juices
  • Packaged milk, fruit flavoured milk, and canned fruit juices must have a clear origin, labels, expiry date, and usage instructions following the regulations.
  • Teachers/parents support students to package/divide into portions to take home.



At UTS we encourage sun-safe outdoor activities. Parents are encouraged to provide hats and sunscreen for their children to promote healthy sun exposure habits (and to prevent sunburn or any other skin conditions) while students participate in outdoor activities.

Primary school students are required to wear hats when participating in outdoor activities.


Pets are not allowed on school grounds. Advance permission from the school board is required if there is an educational purpose for such a visit.



UTS requires that motorbike drivers and student passengers wear helmets as they drive to/from/on the school campus. Moreover, Students are only allowed to use vehicles in accordance with the provisions of the law.

The Speed limit for motorbikes on campus is 5km/h.

Students who drive motorbikes to and from school need to register for a parking card from School Office by presenting the following original documents (copy not accepted):

• Driving license in Vietnam & appropriate Vehicle registration documents

• Permission letter with signatures from Parents to guarantee for students about their driving to and from school by motorbikes. Students are not permitted to drive another person on the motorbikes.

• Parking cards are granted only for students who have registered. Students should not let other students use their motorbikes.

• Failure to abide by the above guidelines will result in loss of parking privileges and other disciplinary measures.


Rollerblades, roller-skates, and skateboards are not allowed on school campuses at any time.

Bicycles are not to be used for recreational purposes on campus.


All vehicles must be parked at the designated parking lot.


UTS uses technology in the classroom to enhance the school’s training goals, assisting students in becoming fully equipped with the skills, knowledge, and behaviors required to be citizens of the twenty-first century. UTS enables them to connect to the school’s wireless network and use their personal electronic devices for online access on campus in order to more effectively integrate 21st-century skills such as collaboration, communication, creativity, and critical thinking in student learning environments. Students are expected to commit to responsible access and use of electronic equipment, whether it is school computers or personal electronic devices, as well as to follow the function room use regulations. Students who violate the aforementioned rights may face disciplinary action under school rules.



Students are responsible for using UTS’s information technology equipment in accordance with the usage regulations corresponding to each functional space, such as the ICT room, library, STEM room, etc, while still adhering to the principles such as:

  • Do not intentionally open or change, install more device configuration in both hardware and software.
  • Do not peel or damage the warranty card or asset tag on the device.
  • Use the device for the intended purpose of learning and under the supervision of the teacher.
  • Protect your own account.
  • Avoid using social media, gaming, reading, and other inappropriate or sensitive websites.
  • Always turn off the device after using it.

Refer to the Acceptable Use Policy For Internet, Equipment, Software & Technology Communications HERE.

Refer to An Addendum to Tech Agreement HERE.


Students are responsible for using UTS’s information technology equipment in accordance with the usage regulations corresponding to each functional space, such as the ICT room, library, STEM room, etc, while still adhering to the principles such as:

  • Do not intentionally open or change, install more device configuration in both hardware and software.
  • Do not peel or damage the warranty card or asset tag on the device.
  • Use the device for the intended purpose of learning and under the supervision of the teacher.
  • Protect your own account.
  • Avoid using social media, gaming, reading, and other inappropriate or sensitive websites.
  • Always turn off the device after using it.

Technological devices have both usefulness and potential threats. As a result, personal devices brought onto the UTS campus will also be governed by the University’s policy on information technology device management. At the same time, UTS is not responsible for cases of loss or damage to personal property occurring on campus and in the Urban Area.

Refer to the Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) Tech Agreement HERE.

Refer to the Connected Personal Device Use Regulation in the ACADEMIC GUIDEBOOK.

The purpose of this policy is to ensure that students and Parents understand what is the appropriate use of information technology, school computers, and personal devices.

During the school year, the school may have to amend the provisions of the policy. The school will provide written notice to Parents of these corrections within 30 (thirty) days before the effective date of these corrections.


“Audio/video recording devices” include cameras, camcorders, mobile phones, recording devices, tablets with the function of photographing, filming or recording.
With the regulation that students are not allowed to use mobile devices on campus during class hours, we hope that Parents/visitors will be good role models by limiting the use of audio/video recorders for filming and taking photos when visiting the school. UTS securities reserve the right to remind and request to cease action if the actions of filming or taking photos by a Parent/visitor affect students’ studying.
Parents/Visitors are able to take photographs or videos of their own child at school events and activities. However, Parents/visitors should not share any photos or videos containing other students in any form without the agreement of the students and their Parents.
During the school year, student information (images, audio, video clips, publications, etc.) will be recorded and stored by audio/video recording devices owned or operated by the school. The right to privacy of UTS students and their families’ personal and confidential data stored on audio/video recording devices are fully guaranteed. Parents/students have the right to refuse to be recorded by audio/video recording devices that are not owned or operated by UTS.


UTS encourages all members of the community to maintain high ethical standards when using the Internet in general, and social networking platforms and learning applications in particular.

Students can only access the Internet and connect to the school’s network via wireless, and only with an account that the school has specifically assigned to them. Any student found connecting a personal device to the network using an Ethernet cable plugged into a wall outlet without the teacher’s permission will forfeit the right to connect to the school network.

Students are not permitted to access or knowingly gain access to any computer, computer system, computer network, information storage medium, or peripheral device without the permission of a teacher or authorized staff member.

The school has implemented an information screening system for all personal devices with internet access. Any attempt to intentionally exceed the network screening system’s limits (for example, via a Virtual Private Network) is strictly prohibited.

Do not use the Internet for personal purposes, entertainment, gaming, or propaganda of websites containing provocative, depraved, morally depraved, reactionary content, etc. In the event that a violation is discovered, students will be disciplined in accordance with the school’s rules.

It is necessary to increase vigilance and notify teachers or administrators about cases of “online bullying” (using social media to attack individuals or organizations, stigmatizing, humiliating, insulting reputations, etc.) or communication – uncivilized behavior on social media and in UTS learning applications.



The Student Card (EagleCard) is designed with a variety of functions from identification purposes to using school facilities and services within the School campus. Here are some specific features of the student card:

  • School gate identification and entrance
  • Check-in shuttle bus
  • Borrow and return books at the Library
  • Lunch and purchase at the canteen without having to use cash.


  • Students must wear the Card at all times while studying and living at the School, and they must also be responsible for the Card’s self-management.
  • Misuse cases will be dealt with in a variety of ways, depending on the severity.
  • For the first time, the Student Card is given away free of charge, along with a card case and a tag strap bearing the UTS brand identity.
  • In the event that the Card is lost or damaged, it is the Student’s responsibility to notify the School Services Department as soon as possible so that a new card can be issued at their own expense.
  • Please visit for more information on Card usage regulations.



Understanding the importance of being trusted friends to the children witnessing their growing-up, at UTS, we built Counseling & Student Support Program to promotes knowledge, attitudes, and skills through instruction in three content areas: academic achievement, career development, and personal/social growth.
Counselors are available to support students in their academic, social and emotional growth. The goal is to promote personal wellbeing, healthy relationships, and the successful balance of academic, extracurricular, and community involvement for UTS students.
  • Social relationships
  • Emotional regulation
  • Time management
  • Academic planning and decision-making
  • Problem-solving and life skills development
  • Crisis intervention
  • Challenges of moving and changing living location


This guideline expresses general policy and description about advisable and acceptable dress codes at UTS. The purpose of this guideline is to make sure that all the students will follow the dress code standard and embrace unity.


All UTS students are required to wear the official UTS uniform at school and when attending school activities. School uniform provides a sense of pride and responsibility towards the school and helps to ensure consistency and equality among all students. Therefore, all students must wear the school uniform in compliance with our school policy when attending school and taking part in extracurricular activities organized by the school. The uniform is designed to best fit with students’ activities at school and outdoor trips.


  • Classroom uniform: UTS Short-sleeve Polo shirt, UTS pants/shorts, UTS skort (for girls), sandals, or sneakers.
  • PE Uniform: UTS Physical education T-shirt and pants, sports shoes & socks
  • Swimming uniform: UTS swimming uniform is not compulsory. Students can use their own swimming suits but they have to be designed for purpose of aquatic activity usage.


  • Student uniform must be clean, well ironed and in good condition, and with original colors.
  • Must fit properly; not oversized, not too tight, or too short.
  • Underwear must not be visible.
  • Students must wear protective clothing and gear when entering labs.
  • Uniforms or accessories must not have inappropriate wording, messages, or decals manifesting violence, racism, smoke, alcohol…
  • Outerwear or sweatshirts are allowed when it is cold or when students have health problems.
  • Students are not allowed to change the design of uniforms but can adjust the size of the uniform to best fit their bodies.
  • Skorts must be in their original length. Students are not allowed to cut or shorten them.
  • Students showing up on campus without the proper uniform will be sent home to change or have a family member bring them the proper uniform from home.


  • Hair needs to be neatly trimmed and kept clean.
  • Students with long hair need to tie it neatly.
  • Students are not allowed to have their heads shaved (except for cases of force majeure).
  • Hairstyles that attract undue attention or maybe considered gang-related or inappropriate to the educational environment are not acceptable.
  • Dyeing hair is not encouraged by the School and light-colors hair-dyed are not acceptable (neon, green, blue, etc.). Students with inappropriate hairstyles may face disciplinary actions.
  • Students must not wear beards.


  • Bold or excessive make-up and expensive jewelry are not permitted.
  • Hair accessory designs must be inappropriate size, not have words or shapes which are offensive to others.
  • Students are not allowed to wear accessories that glow and contain images or letters that show elements of violence, promote inequality and discrimination, smoking and alcohol behaviors.
  • Sunglasses are not to be worn inside the school building.
  • Students are encouraged to wear proper hats for outdoor PE/Sports activities but not in classrooms.


Girls are allowed to wear pierced earrings in the earlobes. Other visible body piercings or tattoos are not allowed.


  • Shoes must be kept clean.
  • Students need to wear shoes to school (sneakers, sports shoes, sandals, etc.).
  • Students are not allowed to wear shoes that glow or make noise.
  • Flip flops and slippers are not allowed on the school campus.
  • For girls: Heels must not be pointy and/or higher than 5cm.


Parents and students can buy uniforms directly at the UTS store or online through the UTS online Shop section on the website.

Monday – Friday 07:00 a.m. – 04:00 p.m.
Saturday 08:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.



At UTS we believe in the all-round development of students. We believe that extracurricular activities and field trips are an opportunity to help students learn more useful knowledge in life, apply what they have learned to the real world, and learn how to adapt to different situations. To this end, the school ensures that the extracurricular activities and field trips are well-planned, structured, show progression, and provide continuity with classroom learning. Each trip is carefully planned to provide a range of age-appropriate opportunities for the development of personal qualities such as leadership, independence, self-esteem, teamwork, and perseverance.

The activities the school undertakes each year include visits to museums, zoos, educational parks, farms, factories, etc. These activities aim at facilitating students to discover the natural world and interact with new things. They are divided into the following categories:

  • Activities happening at the school campus and day field trips during school hours: These activities are part of the academic program; therefore, student participation is compulsory. Costs of the activities are included in the tuition fee.
  • Overnight field trips: These activities are not part of the academic program; therefore, student participation is not compulsory. Costs of the activities will be announced to Parents in advance.


UTS, its employees, representatives, agents, and officials with the utmost concern will assure that the field trip/activity will go safely. If there are any incidents that may occur in connection with or as a result of program participation, Parents will work with the school to settle these incidents with cooperation and respect to each other. All damages will be compensated in accordance with the insurance company’s policy. The cause of incidents will be investigated and concluded by the legal body.

The school is not responsible for stolen, lost, or damaged personal belongings.

UTS can take and use photos and videos to promote the school and its programs. The materials, photos, and videos are the sole property of the school.


Parents will have financial responsibility for property damage caused by students during the field trip/activity.

Each region has its regulations of acceptable conduct, including dress, manners, and morals. Students should understand that behaviors that violate those regulations could harm their own health and safety.

School rules and expectations apply to all students on all field trips.

Violations of school rules and conducts during field trips, depending on their levels of seriousness, may result in different disciplinary actions.


In order to ignite student’s potentials and interests, clubs at UTS are categorized into 4 groups: Thinking, Art, Sport and Skill. Club catergory is updated regularly every school year. Parents and Students please wait for the School’s further notice and instruction to register for clubs.


Students participating in clubs must follow the following rules:

  • Participate in clubs regularly as scheduled and always be on time;
  • Students can register for up to 02 (two) clubs. However, academic activities and health conditions should not be affected;
  • Students are not allowed to change or leave clubs without approval from clubs’ instructors and homeroom teachers;
  • Follow instructions of teachers/clubs’ instructors;
  • Support each other during club activities;
  • Be confident and proactive;
  • Be mindful of preserving the school property;


At UTS we believe club activities are very important to the all-around development of students, therefore, the school does not charge a club participation fee to encourage students to participate in club activities. For the school activities, assemblies and events to be organized professionally, the school welcomes all contributions and sponsors from Parents. This would be a huge spiritual encouragement for the school and students.



School meal services are provided by experts and experienced partners in the field. Meals are prepared in the UTS kitchen to ensure the highest possible food quality and nutrition for students.

UTS serves 03 (three) meals a day: breakfast, lunch, and snacks.

Students participate in a meal with a menu pre-ordered by their Parents on the 15th and 25th of each month at the “Meal service” section of the website: UTS’s meal structure consists of three components: breakfast, lunch, and snacks.

Mealtimes are as follows:

  • Breakfast: 7:00 to 7:45 a.m.
  • Lunch: 11:00 – 12:00 p.m. (depending on grade level)
  • Snack: 14:20 – 15:20 p.m (depending on grade level)

At the beginning of the academic year, in the “Student Health Declaration Form”, Parents need to specify student’s food allergies (if any) so that the School can prepare the menu to best fit for students.

School meal service regulations and policies:

The Meal Service Fee must be paid on time and at least two weeks before the student intends to use the service.

Students who do not participate in breakfast or service are kindly asked to complete the ” Opting Out Operation Form” at the start of each semester. Because the meal fee at UTS is designed on a semester-by-semester basis, it will not be refunded or reserved under any circumstances except in the following cases:

  • Students stop studying / transfer schools in accordance with the UTS’s regulations;
  • The student has a medical condition and requires a special diet on the advice of a specialist, as well as a need to discontinue participation in the school meal service. In this case, students must submit sufficient documents certified by a doctor or medical center;
  • Students who are hospitalized must suspend meal service for one (01) week or more. At the same time, Parents can provide “the Meal Service Suspension Form” and confirmation documents from the Medical Center at least three (03) days before the service is to be discontinued.
  • Natural disasters, epidemics, earthquakes, and wars are examples of force majeure events.
  • Weekly refund/reservation unit.

The above-mentioned schedule fee includes meal service for three meals: breakfast, lunch, and snack, but does not include costs incurred when students use the food service at the UTS snack bar. In this case, Parents can directly top up a spare cost on a student’s meal card at the Accounting office/canteen cashier counter for the convenience of the students (this is an optional fee).


  • Students have meals within the scheduled time in the designated canteen area.
  • Students are asked to queue up and keep silent when choosing dishes.
  • Students are not allowed to run around, frolic, or scare other students in the canteen area.
  • Students are encouraged to be proactive and independent in their choice of food, the quantity of food, and to be responsible for finishing up their chosen food.
  • Students are not allowed to bring in and use food from outside without the permission of the homeroom teacher or the school board. The school is not responsible for all unfortunate cases that occur from the food or drink brought by students.
  • Students are responsible for keeping the canteen area clean. Students are not allowed to write or draw on tables and chairs.
  • Students who bring their own food will be seated in a separate area to allow for food heating.


Safety and nutrition are the two top concerns of the school when preparing meals for students. Therefore, the school encourages students to use the school catering service. However, if a student brings food from home, the School is not responsible for any incidents related to food safety (such as food poisoning, etc.). To ensure the healthy eating of students, Parents need to prepare meals that meet nutrition requirements and ensure food hygiene and safety. Food must be stored in microwaveable containers provided in the self-catering area. In addition, students are not allowed to bring foods with unpleasant odors to the school campus as well as the canteen in order not to irritate other people.


Water stations are installed in all corridors/classroom halls on all floors.

Environmental protection is a common goal shared by the entire UTS community. As a result, the school does not provide single-use cups/cups at water stations, and students are encouraged to bring their own water bottles when participating in school activities and studies.


Under the supervision of the Head Teacher or Student Care Staff, students will be arranged a lunch break in the classroom or function room. Students must prepare sleeping bags and actively coordinate to set up the lunch break area according to the instructions and at the appointed time. Students are not permitted to make noise, talk, or make loud noises that disturb other students during the lunch period; nor are they permitted to leave the school grounds.


  • Primary students: 11:40 a.m. – 12:50 p.m.
  • Secondary students: 12:20 p.m. – 12:50 p.m.

Primary school students must take a lunch break. Students in Secondary school can skip lunch. Students who do not take a lunch break will be provided with space for self-study or reading.


US Vietnam Talent International School’s library is equipped with an abundance of reading and learning resources for students’ research and study.


From Monday to Friday: 07:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.


  • Students are responsible for the books that they borrow and must take care of them, both at school and at home.
  • Students are able to check out up to 2 books at a time.
  • Students may check out books before and after class hours, during lunch break and during break times.
  • All students can check books out for 2 weeks, after which, they need to be returned or renewed. Students cannot check out new books if they have an overdue book.
  • If a book is lost or damaged, it must be paid for before another book may be checked out.



At UTS, we want to make sure all students stay healthy and participate in school fully each day. Therefore, the school has a health clinic with qualified staff. The clinic staff can administer prescription medicines and administer general first aid. At the beginning of the school year, Parents need to make sure to communicate all medical needs of their child to the school so that the school clinic staff is prepared to closely monitor your child’s health record.


  • Should a student become ill or injured during school hours, he/she will be taken to the school clinic by teachers or school staff.
  • No student is allowed to enter the clinic during class hours without the teacher’s permission.
  • Students are not allowed to use electronic devices in the clinic.
  • Students are not allowed to use medication or medical equipment in the clinic without getting permission and instruction from the clinic staff.


According to the requirements established by the Vietnamese Ministry of Health and Social Insurance laws, all Grade 1 – Grade 12 students are required to register and purchase the Annual Student Health Insurance. UTS students can register for Health Insurance at school. If students have already had Health Insurance for this school year, Parents must provide the Health Insurance card number to the school.

In order to provide the most comprehensive protection for students’ health, the school also provides Accident Insurance for all UTS students.


In order to ensure that appropriate care is available in the school, it is extremely important that a completed medical history need submitting before entry to the school and updating annually. At the start of the school year, Parents are requested to fill in the student’s health information (sickness, allergy, etc.) in the “APPLICATION FORM” and and “Students health declaration form”. Please inform the school office if your child is unwell with a contagious condition or injuries via phone or email. This is important to protect the other members of our community.

Should a student is diagnosed with any serious medical conditions, anaphylaxis, or asthma, his/her Parents need to prepare emergency medicine and send it to the school clinic. Students with known anaphylaxis must provide the school with at least 1 adrenaline auto-injector (EpiPen) for emergency use. However, for school trips, at least 2 EpiPens may be requested depending on the trip location and access to emergency care.


When a student becomes unwell at school, he/she will be sent to the school nurse for assessment. If a child is mildly injured and it is deemed that he/she can stay in school, the nurse will administer general first aid and monitor the student at the school clinic. If his/her illness or injury indicates he/she needs to be sent home, then Parents will be contacted directly to pick up him/her from school.


First aid services are provided on campus and at events organized by the school which require first aid. The school health clinic should be the first point of contact in case of an accident or medical problem. All incidents of a medical emergency whether major or minor in degree will be recorded in a log.


If a student is in need of medical treatment and the school is unable to contact a Parent via phone numbers provided by Parents, the school may arrange for the student to be taken to a medical facility for the purposes of examining the student and providing specialist treatment. The school staff will wait at the medical facility until the student’s Parents arrive. Parents undertake to bear all expenses incurred by such action. The school strongly advises Parents to provide medical insurance for their children.


Only the school clinic staff has the rights and authorization for managing medication at school. School staff and nannies do not have the rights and authorization to administer medication. There must always be supervision from clinic staff over student’s usage of medication at school.


Students requiring prescribed medication during school hours must have on file the prescription from their doctors as well as the written authorization from the Parents or legal guardians. Parents need to fill in the “Medication handover form” that includes the following information:

  • The name of the student receiving the medication.
  • Class
  • The names of Parents
  • The name and description of the medication, scheduled times, the dosage to be given.

All medications must be in the original pharmacy container and not pass the expiry date yet. The container must be clearly marked with the patient’s name, type of medicine, and dosage.


In order to ensure students’ good health and full energy for learning and practicing, Parents and students should follow below disease prevention methods:


  • Masks: Students are required to wear masks on campus or in public places on a regular basis.
  • Disinfection: frequently wash your hands with soap and hand sanitizer.
  • Distance: Students maintain a safe distance from others and are aware of disease prevention.
  • Do not congregate: During the epidemic, students are not permitted to congregate or participate in crowded activities.
  • Medical declaration: During an epidemic, students must make a medical declaration.


  • Students need to wash their hands before and after eating and after using the bathroom.
  • Students should have daily baths or showers.
  • Students should not share eating utensils, water bottles, toothbrushes, and combs.
  • Parents need to talk to children about the importance of good hygiene habits.


We encourage and support healthy eating in order to help promote optimal learning and lifelong health.

Students are encouraged to have protein, fruits, vegetables, whole grain products, and sugar-free dairy products.

Students should not have packaged, processed, and high sugar foods or drinks.

Students need to drink an adequate amount of water each day.


Children who do not get enough sleep are unable to perform well at school. Children under the age of 5 should be asleep by 7:30 p.m. Children between the ages of 5 and 10 should be asleep by 8:30 p.m. Teenagers under 18 should not be awake after 10:00 p.m.


According to researches, too much electronic screen time can badly affect the mental and physical development of children. Therefore, UTS students are not encouraged to use electronic devices for non-learning purposes. After school and during free time, students should spend time reading books, playing outdoor, talking with Parents and friends.


Based on Joint Circular 13/2016/TTLT-BYT-BGDDT regulating healthcare activities in schools, all students are required to take the annual health check. Therefore, the school organizes an Annual Health Check for students of all educational stages at the beginning of the school year.

The Health check will be arranged during school hours with the least impact on student’s academic activities. Health check results will be updated and archived in the student portfolio & record.

If a student is absent on the day of Health Check, Parents need to arrange a health check with all required medical check-up items for their child at the medical center or hospital, and submit the “General Health Check Record” to UTS Front Office within 7 days from the official health check day of school. “General Health Check Record” forms are also provided at the school Front Office.


When students exhibit symptoms of infectious diseases such as chickenpox, dengue fever, hand, foot, and mouth disease, tuberculosis, and others, Parents must take their children to medical facilities for diagnosis and treatment, as well as provide regular updates to the school office and teachers in order to monitor the situation of infectious diseases at the school. When the course of treatment is completed, the student may return to class and must submit the hospital discharge letter to the School.



UTS provides school bus service at fixed stations set up by the school or at pick-up points requested by Parents and students (Depending on the number of registrations at each point). Parents must register to complete the Transportation Application Form and pay the fee in advance by the deadline at least (01) one week before the student uses the service. Before participating in the pick-up, the school will notify you to confirm the location, time of pick up, and information of the staff in charge of the shuttle bus.

Parents/Guardians are required to use the Parent Card when directly picking up students at the station or at designated pick-up point.

Parents are required to confirm their child’s safe home arrival through the UTS Go Safe app to end the journey.

The school’s Service Office must be notified at least 05 (five) working days in advance of any changes related to the pick-up and drop-off locations. The staff in charge will review and confirm the new pick-up/drop-off location based on its compatibility with the overall route. If the location changing request does not match for the overall route, parents are kindly requested to actively pick-up/drop-off students.

CANCELLATION OF SERVICE: If the student is not continuing to use the shuttle service, please notify at least one (01) week before the service stoppage. The school will only refund/convert one (01) month and only apply to cases where the service stoppage notice is in accordance with regulations.


All students traveling on the school bus must observe the following expectations:
  • All students must be respectful to the bus driver and operator, follow instructions when given, be friendly and polite to other students on the bus.
  • Seat belts must be worn at all times.
  • No disruptive volume or actions.
  • Students are not allowed to open the doors and windows; not to throw objects of any kind on the bus or out of the window.
  • No littering. Students must put the trash into the dustbin; keep the curtains and seats clean.
  • Students are not allowed to bring pets and items with strange or stinky smells on the bus.
  • Students are not allowed to eat or drink on the bus, except for drinking water.
  • Students are responsible for their own personal belongings.
  • Students must not damage any part of the school bus. Parents are responsible to any damage caused by students.
  • Students must not get on or off the bus while it is moving.
  • If late, students must not chase after the bus. If students miss the bus, Parents must arrange their own transportation to take the students to school.


For safety reasons, Parents and students should be aware of and follow the school bus rules and policy as below:


  • Parents must prepare all the needed items for the students, bring the pick-up/drop-off card, take the students to the designated pick-up point and wait for the school bus operator to collect the students safely.
  • Parents must drop off the students at the designated pick-up point at least five (5) minutes prior to the announced pick-up time so that the school bus can depart on time. The school bus will wait for a maximum of 05 minutes. If students miss the school bus, Parents must arrange their own transportation to take the students to the school and the school is not responsible for any transportation cost. Absence/tardiness due to transportation issues will be marked as unexcused absence/tardiness.
  • If students are not punctual more than 3 times, the school reserves the right to immediately stop offering school bus services.


  • Parents must pick up the students at the designated drop-off station from the school bus operator.
  • Parents must present the school pick-up/drop-off card provided by the school. School bus operator reserves the right to refuse the release of students to Parents as well as non-parents or non-registered guardians who do not possess a school pick-up/drop-off card.
  • Parents must be present at the designated drop-off station at least five (5) minutes prior to bus arrival to pick up the student on time. If Parents arrive late, and the bus operator can not contact Parents, the school bus will take the students back to the school campus. In this case, Parents must arrange their own transportation to pick up the student.
  • The announced pick-up/drop-off time may fluctuate up to 15 minutes, depending on the actual traffic situation. In case the bus is late for more than 10 minutes, the bus operator will call Parents to notify them about the potential lateness.
  • Parents need to confirm with the transportation support staff via UTS Go Safe when the student arrives home.



  • The school bus will not drop off or pick up at locations that are unsafe for students, forbidden from parking, one way, inconvenient for making a U-turn, or too crowded. The school bus will only pick up and drop off students at favorable and safe locations which have been agreed upon.
  • If the location is a building, then the school bus will only pick up and drop students off at the main gate of the building. Parents need to arrange their children to be picked up and dropped off at this exact location.


  • The school provides Parents with the phone number of the school bus operator and school service office hotline. Parents may contact the bus operators during the pick-up/drop-off process.
  • The school bus operators are also provided with Parents’ phone numbers for emergency situations.



The school has total jurisdiction concerning the conduct and behavior of Parents and students on the school campus, at all programs, events, and activities organized or sponsored by the school. Furthermore, a student’s behavior at any time, even outside of the school, reflects upon UTS’ reputation and may affect him/herself.

  • to students while in the school campus, traveling to and from school or at other times when in school uniform or school kit;
  • to students wearing UTS uniforms;
  • to students on trips, exchanges, or when representing the school to participate in academic, sport or art activities;
  • to behavior outside the school if there is a clear link between that behavior and maintaining good behavior and discipline among the student body as a whole.

Furthermore, UTS has authority over off-campus student behavior that has a negative impact on the School’s overall disciplinary practice.



  • Student’s behaviors and manners need to be civilized, polite, modest, courteous, and in accordance with social ethical standards.
  • Students are required to use appropriate language and not to use profanity, swearing, or using slang, or figurative words.
  • Students are required to be respectful to the elderly, teachers, and school staff and supportive to those who are younger.
  • Students must not slander or defame others
  • Students must not quarrel, swear, use inappropriate language and fight inside and outside of the school. Students are not allowed to have disruptive behaviors or any other behavior that distracts classroom activities.
  • Students need to be punctual and respect other people’s time.
  • Students need to keep promises and commitments with peers and other people.
  • Students must not use tobacco, drugs, or alcoholic beverages.
  • Students must not possess and share depraved cultural products and weapons.
  • Students must not gamble in any kind.
  • Students must not hustle or push other people in public areas.
  • Students must not draw or write anything on the walls and desk, keep school’s property in good condition.
  • Students must not litter and spit.
  • Students must maintain good hygiene.
  • Students must not run outside of campus or in non-supervised areas.
  • Students must not make loud noises or disturb other people.
  • Students must not touch or allow others to touch-sensitive parts of the body.
  • Students must maintain appropriate relationships with peers and not engage in offensive behaviors.
  • Students must not steal others’ personal belongings and not arbitrarily take or use the personal belongings of others.
  • Students need to obey the rules of social order.
  • Students need to obey safety rules: no running, sliding on the handrails of stairs, no hustling and shoving others when taking elevators, stairs, etc.


  • Students need to study in a diligent manner, always complete learning tasks requested by teachers, and strive to improve academic performance;
  • Students need to take ownership of physical fitness, personal hygiene, and the protection of the environment.
  • Students are encouraged to actively participate in all appropriate aspects of school life in the classroom, extra-curriculum activities, and other age-appropriate community services.
  • Students need to co-operate with peers and express team spirit by helping peers when they are having difficulties.
  • No plagiarism: Plagiarism is the “wrongful appropriation” and “stealing and publication” of another author’s “language, thoughts, ideas, or expressions” and the representation of them as one’s own original work. Plagiarism, depending on the degree of seriousness, will be subject to appropriate disciplinary measures.
  • No cheating in examinations: Cheating is an act of copying each other and using prohibited materials during examinations. Appropriate disciplinary measures will be applied for each infraction.


  • Students need to be on time for classes and to all school-related events
  • If the teacher is not in the classroom, students must keep quiet and stay at their desks, not run or chase each other in and out of the classroom.
  • Students need to prepare learning materials, textbooks, complete tasks assigned by teachers, and follow reasonable instructions or requests of teachers.
  • Each student is expected to participate in classroom activities, lessons, and discussions. Furthermore, he/she is expected to positively contribute to the classroom learning environment.
  • Students are expected to raise their hands to speak, not to talk back to teachers, and not to interrupt others when they are talking.


  • Students are expected to have a proper and under-controlled friendship.
  • Students need to have civilized and polite manners in line with the school culture.
  • Students need to respect and follow reasonable requirements from the student board of the class.
  • Students are requested to avoid provocative or offensive conversations.
  • Students are requested to avoid offending and spreading rumors.
  • Students must not discriminate and isolate others; not cause internal disunity.
  • Students must not invade the privacy of their peers.
  • Students need to strive for the school’s collective flag and uniform colors.
  • Students must not engage in activities that have a negative impact on the school community.


Parents play an important role in the comprehensive development of their children and have a responsibility to support the efforts of the school in maintaining a safe and respectful learning environment for all students. At UTS, we expect our Parents to:

  • Work closely with the school to help students meet academic and behavioral requirements at school;
  • Understand and express concerns about your child’s learning and progress;
  • Understand and trust the school’s academic evaluation system;
  • Actively help your child in learning and cultivating morality; understand your child’s curriculum and academic schedule;
  • Regularly update information related to your child’s learning. The school periodically sends out Student Planners and Progress Report Cards to help Parents understand the learning process of students;
  • Actively participate in activities that are relevant to your child’s learning; ensure full attendance in school-organized Parent meetings;
  • Understand and agree to your child participating in all activities of the school and bear all costs of these activities (if any);
  • Read, understand and agree to the fee schedule and fee policy of the school;
  • Deliver full payment of fees on time as prescribed by the school;
  • Understand and agree that the school will not be responsible for any injury that may occur when a student participates in a regular school program; except for injuries caused by the school’s carelessness;
  • Notify the school when there are changes in contact information (email, phone number, address, etc.);
  • Provide accurate student information and submit all documents as required;
  • Notify the school of the student’s health condition as well as the psychological problems (if any) that the student has encountered so that the school can find an appropriate resolution together with Parents;
  • Ensure that your child attends school regularly and on time, promptly report to the school if your child is absent or tardy;
  • Help your child be properly dressed and well prepared for school;
  • Follow school’s pick-up/drop-off policy;
  • Parents are encouraged to express concerns and provide input to the school’s operations and personnel. However, Parents need to present their opinions in a polite and civilized manner; Parents must not use impolite and threatening words and behaviors towards the school’s teachers and staff.
  • Show civilized behaviors as a role model to the children. Parents may be banned from entering the school campus and from participating in school’s activities, temporarily or permanently, if they bully or intimidate other members of the school community;
  • Refrain from breaching or ignoring school security procedures or safety regulations in school facilities, defying staff directions regarding security or safety;
  • Respect the rights of others and treat others fairly, regardless of their position and role in the school;
  • Communicate respectfully with all members of the UTS community at all times. Inappropriate or threatening language should never be used in person or when sending emails, SMS messages or other means of communications (including social media) to anyone within the UTS community;
  • Refrain from using defamatory, offensive or derogatory comments regarding students, staff, other Parents or any UTS community member in traditional media, social media or other websites;
  • Refrain from using traditional media, social media, or other websites to publicly challenge school policies or decisions or to discuss private issues of other students, faculty, staff or other Parents;
  • Refrain from approaching other students in order to discuss or chastise them for their behavior, including their behavior towards your child;
  • Understand and give permission to the school to use your child’s information for the school’s official media without having to pay for any cost regarding to the usage of information;
  • Show proper care and regard for school property and others’.
  • Maintain school property and the property of others.

The Above standards of behavior embodied in this Parent Code of Conduct apply to Parents, nannies, private drivers, or any other caregivers for students who are recruited by Parents and may come to school premises or represent Parents regarding students’ studying). Parents are responsible for communicating the Code of Conduct to the above people.


“Every child deserves a champion, an adult who will never give up on them, who understands the power of connection, and insists that they become the best that they can possibly be.”
At UTS, we recognize that effective education is inextricably linked to the right approach to student behavior. Student discipline is the School’s active effort to maintain a safe and respectful learning environment in order to quickly control and correct student behavior, assisting them in realizing that they are valuable, capable of learning, loved, and belonging to the community.
Positive discipline is a moral education technique that assists students in making more progress by having them identify, recognize, and correct their own flaws. These are disciplinary measures based on student respect that teach students about love, responsibility, and fairness.
Parents and students are expected to be aware of and understand the school’s rules regarding acceptable and unacceptable behavior at UTS. The School’s disciplinary policies are based on the unwavering belief in a humane, non-punitive, and non-violent educational environment. It is the responsibility of all members of the UTS community to create a positive environment in the building, on campus, and at any school event to accomplish this. UTS teachers and staff are instilled with educational equity, consistent expectations, and empathy for the needs of each individual student in classroom management.
We are committed to putting our students’ learning first and will always try to find the best solution so that their learning time is not disrupted.
Positive discipline education focuses on the following:
  • Increase students’ sense of initiative;
  • Increase students’ positive attitudes toward school and school;
  • Increase student participation in activities inside and outside the classroom;
  • Reduce the student’s proclivity for aggression;
  • Teach students how to recognize positive behaviors.
  • Improve the teacher-student relationship.


Parents of students wishing to withdraw from UTS must complete a Departure Notice and inform the school 30 calendar days in advance before the expected departure day for the needed process.


Student records will be returned after 03 (three) working days from the date the student’s Parents submit all required documents.

In two cases, the application must be submitted:

Case 1: Graduate students or those with other reasons (traveling, studying abroad, etc.): “Application for withdrawal”, “Admission Acceptance Letter” or Visa are included in the dossier.

Case 2: Students who want to change schools: The dossier contains the transfer application as well as the accepted opinion of the destination school.

If the absence occurs during a semester exam or at the end of the school year, the records will be released once the student’s grades have been completed.

Please be noticed that the student reports/transcript are only issued provided that:

  • Students’ learning responsibilities are completed (e.g. returning library books, locker keys, etc.)
  • All incurred payments of the school year are finished.


The fees will be balanced and refunded (if any) according to the school regulations. The fees (if any) will be refunded within 20 working days from the date Parents complete the procedures at the school.


Parental involvement is key to student success. Families are respected and recognized for the vital role they play in the ongoing wellbeing and learning of their children. Therefore, it is very important to build and maintain effective Parents- School communication. At UTS, we welcome all Parents to keep in close contact with the School about their questions and concerns and also constructive feedback.


Parents must provide the school with up-to-date contact information of at least 02 (two) people, including home and mobile phone numbers, mailing address (permanent, current, and emergency contact information), and email address(es). Please update School Front Office as soon as possible in case of changes for the school-parent communication not to be interrupted.



ManageBac is a leading learning management system used in international schools all over the world. ManageBac provides strong support for curriculum development, assessment, and reporting. Furthermore, ManageBac aids in strengthening the bond between the school, Parents, and students.


The Central Care Office: receives and processes issues regarding operations and parental concerns.


SMS is only used to remind Parents to view information on ManageBac/email or to communicate urgent information.


The Central Care Office: 028 710 27788 – Ext. 1

The school website: is the official channel where Parents can find general information about the school, facilities, staff, and academic program. Parents can also visit the school website for the latest timetable, event calendar, news, and monthly meal menu.


The school’s Facebook page promotes student achievement and highlights photos and videos of student activities at UTS. The school recommends that, when Parents have any ideas, questions, or concerns, please contact the teacher or the School Management to contribute instead of posting them on social media without sufficient accurate information.


The School organizes regular conferences between the Parents and the School or the Parents with the Head Teachers and Subject Teachers. These events’ schedules are usually noted in the academic calendar of the school year, but are subjected to change according to later development. In addition, Parents can meet with teachers, Vice Principals, or Principal by making appointments in advance with the School Front Office.


The School periodically organizes seminars on many different topics with the participation of leading experts that will give consultations or answer Parent’s questions. The purpose of these seminars is to keep Parents up-to-date with the new educational trend, share experiences in nurturing and caring for students, and cooperating with the School in supporting the educational journey of each student.