Explore “Fun facts around the world” thoughout project at UTS 


Explore The Fantastic World Through “Fun Facts Around The World” Project

🌍 Having a chance to travel around the globe and see breathtaking sightseeing are everyone’s dream. Yet in the “Fun facts around the world” project, the Grade 3 students in US Vietnam Talent International School have successfully "travel” around many destinations and witness many marvellous things.

🍂 This project has taken the kids through the continents and widened their knowledge about how mysterious the world is through amazing learning topics week by week: Humans and cultures, Costumes and Festivals, Nature and Famous Destinations all over the world.

🌍 UTS believes that this project has helped the students to cherish the unique cultures from all nations worldwide. UTS-ers would experience going to many different places, seeing new people and broadening their horizon about human beings, society and life. As a result, our students can build up their intellectual capacity, stronger connection when dealing with problems and better vision.